A new sextortion scam is targeting unsuspecting users. The scammers claim to have recorded the user watching porn and threaten to release the footage unless they pay up. The email contains a link that leads to a fake YouPorn login page. If the user enters their login credentials, the scammers can use these credentials to access related accounts and steal personal information. The email is a scam and should be ignored. If you receive an email like this, do not click on any links or respond to the email. Instead, delete it immediately.

In general, email-based extortion scams are becoming more common. One example is the blackmail email scam, in which scammers claim that your corporate, personal or health information has been found leaked in a data breach. The sender threatens to send the pictures, videos or sensitive information to all of your contacts unless you pay them money. These blackmail email scams are very common and continue to evolve.

In a sextortion email scam, where an aspect of sexual content, emphasized by scammers as shameful, the threat actor persuades you into doing their bidding — e.g., intimidating blackmail emails claiming that you have been observed doing something sensitive while watching pornographic videos.

To look out for fraudulent emails that may be scams, here are some tips: