MGM Resorts, one of the largest hotel and casino operators in the world, has been hit by a cyberattack that forced it to shut down its IT systems on Monday. The company said it was working to restore normal operations as soon as possible, but did not provide any details on the nature or extent of the attack.

According to a report by BleepingComputer, the attack affected MGM Resorts’ email servers, reservation systems, and employee applications. The company’s website was also offline for several hours, displaying a message that said “Our site is currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back later.”

The attack comes less than two years after MGM Resorts suffered a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of more than 142 million guests. The stolen data included names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, and passport numbers. The data was later leaked online and sold on the dark web.

MGM Resorts is not the only hotel chain that has been targeted by cybercriminals. In recent years, Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton, and Choice Hotels have also reported data breaches that compromised millions of customers’ data.

Cyberattacks on the hospitality industry can have serious consequences for both the businesses and their guests. Besides the financial losses and reputational damage, such attacks can also expose sensitive information that can be used for identity theft, fraud, phishing, blackmail, or espionage.

As a cyber security expert, I would like to offer some advice on how to prevent and mitigate such attacks:

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, especially in the hospitality industry. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim and protect yourself from potential harm. Stay safe and enjoy your stay!