Microsoft is testing support for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers internet standard, which enables automated client-side discovery of encrypted DNS servers on local area networks. This feature allows users to automatically configure devices to reach encrypted DNS resolvers and use encrypted DNS protocols like DNS over TLS, DNS over HTTPS, and DNS over QUIC without requiring manual configuration1.

Microsoft is currently testing this feature on Windows 11 1The feature is called Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR) and it enables automated client-side discovery of encrypted DNS servers on local area networks 1Without DNR support, users must manually enter the info of encrypted DNS servers on their local area network within the network settings 1.

When a device with client-side DNR enabled joins a new network, it queries the local DHCP server, requesting an IP address and DNR-specific options. The server, operating server-side DNR, responds with encrypted DNS details, including server IP, supported protocols, port numbers, and authentication data, allowing the client to establish an encrypted DNS tunnel automatically using the provided info 1.

Secure DNS is a way of encrypting DNS queries and responses to protect them from being read or modified by anyone who can monitor the network traffic. Regular DNS, on the other hand, sends DNS queries and responses in plaintext, which means they are exposed and vulnerable to attacks.

Secure DNS works like this:

The main differences between secure DNS and regular DNS are: