Sales Intelligence IT That Grows your Business
Here at ArchonOne, providing managed IT services is more than just making sure the technology needed to run your business runs smoothly and continuously; it’s about growing your business. Our Sales Intelligence tools provide you with useful information about your website visitors and your sales prospects.
Benefits and Features of a Sales Intelligence Campaign:
- Calculable return on investment for converting strangers to revenue
- Nurture website visitors into leads by targeting specific segments, for instance: one-click-only visitors, shopping cart abandons, form abandons, etc …
- Create and manage a sales pipeline and then forecast metrics, such as; revenue, sales, traffic, daily users, etc …
- Content Campaigns and Analytics
- Learn which companies are visiting your website and follow up with them!
With a Sales Intelligence campaign from ArchonOne we can define, capture, and then report on the metrics that are important to your business. Being able to do things like turn website visitors into customers, create and manage a sales pipeline, and project important metrics are tools designed to help your company grow.
Our IT services extend beyond what you may be used to with a managed service provider. For many of our clients, we learned it was important for them to know what companies their website visitors worked for. Many were attempting to capture this information with old-school techniques, like asking them on the phone, or having them fill out a survey and select the correct answer. All were thrilled to learn that ArchonOne has a much better way. Our Sales Intelligence tools use technology to capture what companies your visitors likely work for. We then funnel this information into reports that contain actionable information.
Maybe you already use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Or maybe you have reams of paper with ink printed on them in boxes. Perhaps getting your company on a CRM like Pipedrive, Sharpspring, or Hubspot has finally made it on to your TO-DO list. Our Sales Intelligence campaigns rely heavily on the cutting edge of CRM technology. If you need a CRM, or your CRM needs work, then you need ArchonOne.
Contact ArchonOne right now and let’s schedule a free demonstration of how our Sales Intelligence tools, Managed IT Support, and Security features can grow your business.